
Buy NFTs with Ease on Pass

  • Quick-buy: Hover, click, and it's yours. Instant for the decisive.

  • Sweeping: Get multiples effortlessly. Use the slider or select directly.

  • Offer: Negotiate strategically. Go collection-wide or token-specific.

Pass caters to all NFT enthusiasts. No matter your style, we've got you covered.

List NFTs on Pass - Your Guide

  1. Open the Portfolio: Head to "Portfolio" in Pass, where your NFTs await in a handy list view. Accept bids here too.

  2. Select NFTs: Choose single or multiple NFTs to list. Click "List" in the top right corner.

  3. Price It: See the floor price for guidance or set your own. Your call.

  4. Fees & Duration: Check out marketplace fees, pick a listing duration. Control your NFT's availability.

  5. Net Proceeds: We keep it transparent. Know your net proceeds after fees and royalties.

Easy, transparent, and user-friendly. List your NFTs on Pass confidently, whether you're a newbie or a seasoned collector. List herehttps://pass.xyz/portfolio

Pass Fees: Community-Powered

Traditional fees? Not here. At Pass, 100% of fees go straight into the community treasury.

Think of the sheer volume of transactions in big marketplaces. Now, envision all those fees driving something more profound. That's Pass.

Every fee builds collective potential, fostering an inclusive platform and supporting others' endeavors.

Pass isn't just a marketplace; it's a movement. Join us for a more transparent, equitable digital ecosystem.

  • Marketplace Listing Fees: 2%

  • Sales on Other Markets: 0.5%

Pass Collection Analytics: Your Trading Edge

  • General Analytics:

    • Market Cap & Volume: Gauge value and popularity.

    • Traders and Holders: Analyze community diversity and size.

    • Top Sales: Discover trends and value.

  • Holder Analytics:

    • Top Holders, Whales & Bluechips: Identify influential players.

    • Holder Trends: Anticipate market shifts.

    • Holding Period Distribution: Measure investor confidence.

    • Holding Amount Distribution: Explore unique holders .

These tools are just the beginning. At Pass, we're committed to continuous innovation. Trade with insights, not guesses.

Last updated