The ultimate reward system for NFT Traders and Content Creators! Where social engagement and trading prowess reign supreme. Earn PassPoints with every activity and unlock exciting rewards!
Getting Started
There are two elements to the leaderboard trading activity and social engagement.
Create Listing -
Create Bids -
Buy Tokens -
Sell Tokens -
Mint Tokens -
For SZN1, users will accumulate points without any weight applied. However, after the completion of SZN1, a weight component will be applied to the points system. This adjustment aims to ensure that actions contributing significantly to platform engagement and user activity are appropriately recognized and incentivized. Deliberate attempts to game the points, like low bidding will be penalised.
Earn point for creating engaing content, & connecting with Passengers. Social activities help us personalise your NFT experience, and help you discover alpha in real time.
Posts - GMs, Threadoors, Announcements, Farmoors,
Reactions - Create a more positive and tailored social feed
Love - Positive points accumulation
Bullish - Positive points accumulation
Bearish - Negative points attribution (Trialing)
Rugged - Negative points attribution (Trialing)
Comments - Support your friend and communities
Reposts - Use to engage in the public conversation
Quoted Posts - Create more context to your conversation
Follow Users & Collections - These connection help you discover more across chains, and personalise you
Check out our PassPoint calculators here
Collection Leaderboard
In a couple of weeks, collections will earn points by claiming their page and being active on social media. We will also create reflective trading points for the collection to reward their active commitment to the Pass ecosystem. Collections will have the ability to distribute points to their community through tipping and direct transfers. We encourage projects to distribute their points fairly.
Can the PassPoints change?
Yes, PassPoints are subject to change. We reserve the right to make reasonable adjustments to PassPoints and weighting at any time to ensure smooth operation.
Additionally, suspicious transactions between wallets will be flagged. We may take action without notice, such as resetting your points or disqualifying you if we suspect dishonest play.
Last updated